Getting started…

So tonight I have gotten stuck in to the week one learning path and set up my online learning environment. I was surprised at how simply these tools are used and I am looking forward to starting to apply them to my studies! I can’t believe I have never heard of Diigo before and am excited at how I can apply this to locating and keeping track of potential references for assignments throughout a semester.

Feedly is a little more obscure and I am unsure as to how much I am going to gain from it’s use however I am looking forward to being proved wrong…there have been pleasant surprises already in this course so far!

My first blog…

Hi, My name is Lee Hillas and I am a blogger. I never thought that would be something that I would write, but there you go! Every journey begins with one step and every blog site must begin with a first blog.

I must admit, I have never had any real interest in starting a blog, and even now this is started out of obligation as a requirement to pass EDC3100 at university. I will concede that the idea of having an outlet to share my thoughts, ideas and ramblings is somewhat exciting. Even if no one reads these posts I have an opportunity to put something out into the vast pool of inspiration, knowledge and cat videos that is the world wide web and I am looking forward to it!

The focus of this blog, at least for now will be on my learnings as a pre-service teacher studying ICT and pedagody (for non teaching folk that is just a fancy word for the methods and practices of teaching). I am currently in my 3rd year of study and majoring in Special Education.

I invite you to join my on my journey to become a blogger…I mean teacher. Hopefully my posts will not bore you into an eternal slumber and you will find something beneficial here to take with you on your own journey to wherever it is you may be headed…