PKM – What’s all the fuss?

In reading this blog post from aaronnduke I really starting thinking about how a PKM can help me become a better educator. I must admit, as soon as he mentioned juggling studying online and full time work he had me well and truly hooked on his post. I must admit I initially thought of PKM as just another thing I have to do to pass my subjects and get qualified, another tick in the box to be forgotten about as soon as I move along to my next semester of study. The more I look in to it though, the more exciting or interesting things that pop up for me to explore, the more I realise how much it has the potential to save me time! I love that I can see what has or hasn’t worked for others, what they recommend! I am still working out how best to use these tools…I guess it will be something that I am forever working out as technology keeps progressing!

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