
I am a digital native. I grew up surrounded by technology and had multiple computers, mobile phones and gaming consoles in the house at all times throughout my childhood. By the time I was twelve, I was talking to my friends online almost every night (when I wasn’t grounded anyway). By age thirteen, this became talking to strangers and interacting with people from all over the world in chat rooms. Whilst most of these were harmless, I did have some interactions with unsavoury sorts which for the most part I found hilarious as I pressed the block button to remove them from my digital world.

Even growing up with such a deeply embedded technological mindset, I am still surprised at the issues surrounding online privacy. I came across a blog post by Daniel Exelby  on this topic that not only made me think, but also concerned me. What can people find about me online?

I started with a basic google search and the first picture that appeared was from my myspace account that I have not used since I was about fifteen. This has been enough for me to revisit my privacy settings!! Sure is some scary stuff…


personal photograph found using google search.

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