Concept Map

I thought that it might be a good idea to pop a copy of my concept map up here (and I am practising some of my ICT skills – export, save, upload, publish 🙂 ).

Embedding and hyperlinking are working well for me so far so lets give this image uploading a whirl shall we?


Mission accomplished!

On another note, I found the process of sitting and constructing a concept map quite helpful as a bit of a brain dump to get my ideas down. I have never thought to create one digitally before so usually have them scattered around half finished in various notebooks, on the back of receipts, on post-it notes and even on the back of my hand on the odd occasion where paper was a scarce commodity on my household! I love that the site allows you to save and edit these in one location. This revelation is likely to mean that my mind/concept mapping is not only more meaningful, but also more likely to be utilised in planning outcomes instead of accidently ending up in the rubbish bin (or disappearing as I wash my hands).

I will definitely be utilising this again 🙂

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